Lately we have seen an increase in graffiti appearing along the trails. The photo above is just one example. It is your tax dollars that pay for the removal and manpower expenses each time someone defaces public property. This money could be put to better use providing new trails, maintaining current trails, bridges and the bayous. Thus far this year $5,145.87 has been spent on removal. In 2022, the total exceeded $13,000. This is an unnecessary expense paid for by you and your neighbors.
If you see someone, hear of someone committing this crime, please contact the non-emergency number at the Sheriff’s office (713-221-6000).
According to state law regarding vandalism and intentionally painting on property:
- Class “C” – misdemeanor if the pecuniary loss is less than $100.
- Class “B” – $100 or more but less than $750.
- Class “A” – $750. or more but less that $2,500.
Anything above this amount is considered a felony. The graffiti removed from the trails last week fell in the Class “A” category. The police are notified and/or a police report is filed with each incident.
Please remind everyone, if caught, there will be ramifications and fines. Your tax dollars could be put to better use than rectifying the willful acts of a few individuals. Thank you
“See something – Say something.”